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Daily Fact

// 2016.05.12 13:52 //

Bláithín is pronounced “blaw-heen”.

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Spartan Super Seattle 2015 – Snohomish WA

// 2015.10.18 17:00 // ,

"Spartan Super Seattle 2015 Map"

– tripped 0.5 miles in but performed ninja-like roll and kept running. but it was an omen for the rest of the race
01 O-U-T over a lowish wall, under a wall, through a hole in a wall
02 OVERWALLS over a few lowish walls
03 INCLINED CARGONET climb inclined cargo net up and back down another on the other side
04 INVERTED WALL wall inclined towards you
My knees were noticably hurting at this point due to running over the uneven terrain
05 CODE using the last two numbers on your bib, consult posted sign and memorize the code JULIET-199-2405
06 WALLS three walls maybe
07 ATLAS CARRY carry a quite heavy atlas stone maybe 15m, do five burpees, carry it back
08 SPEAR THROW throw spear at a straw target and have it stick; one chance; my throw was strong enough and far enough but I sidearmmed it and missed the target left by a few inches; 30 burpees
We had been running by a river for a while and dead fish smell was everywhere. I did not personally see any dead fish as I was concentrating on where my feet were going but everyone else did
09 WOODEN WALL STRUCTURE Climb up and over a wooden wall structure. The bottom was complete wall so one had to jump and pull oneself up. the uppper parts were just wood with spaces to climb
10 LOG FARMERS CARRY carry two logs with handles (one in each hand) maybe 15m and back; this was a lot easier than expected as the logs were light
11 MONKEY BARS traverse a monkey bar structure and ring a bell at the end without falling; maybe 12 bars at varying heights
12 Z-WALL traverse a zig-zag wall structure via foot and handholds on the sides and ring the bell at the end. I eventually slipped. 30 burpees
13 8′ WALL a bit higher than the usual walls. I was able to run up and over it, but doing so caused both legs to cramp which they did for the rest of the race. It was painful even to walk as practically all orientations of my foot would caused my calves to cramp. My quads were cramping, too, but not as bad. After this I usually walked most of the time except when going downhill; I ran then because my knees hurt less (and they were really hurting too)
14 VERTICAL CARGO climb up and vertical cargo net and down
15 CODE repeat code given at obstacle 05 or get 30 burpees; I did remember correctly
16 LOG CARRY carry log maybe 250m on flat course. It was big and wide and hard to handle, although most carried it on one shoulder
17 SLED PULL pull a weighted sled towards you. By this time the sleds were getting caught on rocks and depressions and whatnot due to the rain and mud. I eventually stopped mucking with it
18 SANDBAG CARRY carry and sandbag 250m or so up and down a hill. I saw some pictures of people just carrying these on their heads; I should have tried that.
19A BARBED WIRE CRAWL crawl under barbed wire for something like 2-2.5 football fields (according to one of the volunteers, this course was a record for this type of thing) barbed wire was maybe one foot off the ground in pairs with maybe 3m between. Most people rolled, but some where able to crawl. I could not crawl because that was improsible to do due to perpetual cramping. Apparently a lot of people threw up, so I am glad that did not happen where I was because their would be no way to see vomit ahead of time before rolling over it.
20 SLIP WALL Pull oneself up an inclined wall via rope then climb down the other side
19B BARBED WIRE CRAWL another 2-2.5 football fields of barbed wire
21 7′ WALLS Obviously my legs were toast at this point, so Chris K boosted me up the wall.
22 ROPE CLIMB Legs were still toast so I could not get the leglock on the rope and could not quite do it legless (nothing wrong with upper body strength). 30 burpee penalty, tho harrison did some for me
23 ROLLING MUD a series of mud hills with maybe 5m of water/mud pit in between them. The water was maybe 3′ deep and very cold. I ended up just sliding down into the pits because it was easier than picking one’s way down and going up the side of the next mud hill as the footing was better. It was very easy to get stuck in the mud in the water pits. At one point both of my legs got stuck and twisted and instantly cramped both calves and both quads and I almost pitched forwards into the water. That would have sucked.
24 DUNK WALL At the end of the rolling mud obstacle was a wall that force you to go completely under to get past. Ug.
25 BUCKET BRIGADE fill bucket with gravel and carry it up and down a very muddy hill maybe 200m. you could not carry it on your head. I don’t know how heavy it was, but it was really heavy. I carried it to the base of the hill and decided doing the obstacle would rip all the muscles in my legs, so I bailed and waited for the rest of the team to finish. Curiously, though, there was not a penalty for this obstacle, so perhaps the organizers were feeling charitable.
26 HERC HOIST pull up a weight via a pulley and rope then lower it under control. One foot had to be on the ground at all times. I found this very easy; but some did not. I helped out some team members with burpees
27 FIRE JUMP jump over arc of fire. we jumped over as a team holding hands
1115/1369 male
72/86 male 45-49

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Workout 20141106 – Open Gym

// 2014.11.07 16:56 // ,

I was at open gym with J. That made it a big challenging to consistently work out. I wanted to do the listed workout, which was basically snatches then a EMOTM with snatches and burpess, but that was not going to happen with a toddler rampaging about.

I ended up doing random stuff… 20rep sets of 75# hang cleans, squats, hang snatches, presses, etc. I also did static hangs from the bar. I tried to do an AMRAP of box jumps and 50# slam balls, but that was regularly interrupted by parenting, so I ended up just doing a bunch of rounds of box jump/slam ball.

It was still tiring. I am actually a bit sore, I think from the 20 rep sets of things. The weight wasn’t all that much, but that rep scheme and exercise progression was not something I usually would do. I should do more of that if I go to open gym.

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Workout 20141103 – The Chief

// 2014.11.04 07:48 // , ,

The Chief

5 Rounds
3x Power Clean 135/95
6x Hand Release Push-Up
9x Squat
1 minute rest

297 Rx

Trainer: Me
Time: 11am

I coached the class before and did the Chief during Open Gym. The class also had tempo back squats as a strength component, but I had to skip that as I was short on time.

The Chief went well. I am all for things that are short and fast. I almost got 4 sets the first round, but managed to do at least three set the rest of the time. Although the last one was close. The cleans did a number on my legs as the squats later were painful which is funny since there was only nine of them. Also as expected, I cranked through the first set of every round, then noticeably faded after that. Eh, my gas tank was always bad, but at least my recovery is good.

I did the Chief last December and I did more total reps this time at Rx instead of 75# or 95# (not clear what I did). Crazy. Even though it was a year ago, I am not sure why I was doing that little for cleans, but maybe I was feeling off that day.

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Workout 20141102 – TGU, Wall Balls, Slam Balls

// 2014.11.02 15:03 // , ,

Max Turkish Get-Ups
53# Right / 44# Left

AMRAP 10 Minutes
10x Wall Ball 20/14
10X Slam Ball 40/30


Trainer: Amanda

There was a crazy amount of people at the 8am class (23 including me), so I opted to help Amanda coach the class and do the workout at 9am.

TGU were the usual for me. My maxes have not changed in over a year it seems like. I clearly need to work on shoulder strength and stability. And upper body strength in general.

I did not do as well as I thought in the AMRAP. I was feeling pretty wasted at that point since I had been up since before 6am and had not eaten anything; I imagine I would have done better if I had done the workout an hour earlier as orginally planned. Regardless, it was fun as I am a big fan of slam balls. Not so much wall balls, but at 10 reps they were fine. I have been considering always using the 50# slam ball for things now, but since I was feeling non-energetic I thought the 50# would adversely affect my work rate a bit too much as I still wanted a good cardio workout.

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